Allergic Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment

allergic asthma

If you’re consistently struggling with wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath, especially when certain substances are around, you might be dealing with allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is a chronic condition affecting your airways, making them inflamed and overly sensitive to specific triggers. Knowing how to spot the signs, what causes allergic asthma, and the most […]

The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea

sleep apnea

Sleep apnea might seem like a simple inconvenience—snoring loudly and feeling tired in the morning. But this common sleep disorder hides potentially serious health concerns. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, disrupting your body’s ability to get the restful oxygen it needs. It’s important to see a […]

When to See an Asthma Doctor: Symptoms and Treatment

asthma doctor

Take a deep breath. Feels good, right? But what if every breath was a struggle? Chest tight, a wheeze cutting through the air, the panic of being unable to pull in enough oxygen…that’s the reality for millions of people with asthma. If you find yourself relating a little too closely, this blog is for you. […]

The Importance of Getting Your Flu Shot Early

As the seasons change and cooler weather sets in, so does the annual arrival of flu season. The flu, short for influenza, is a contagious respiratory illness. It ranges from mild to severe — and your risk of severe illness is higher if you’re over age 65 or you have a respiratory condition like asthma […]

Who Is Eligible for the RSV Vaccine?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common viral respiratory infection. For most people, it causes mild cold-like symptoms, like congestion, cough, and sore throat. But for some, the infection can spread to the lower respiratory tract and become severe. Because the symptoms of RSV infection are similar to those of influenza and Covid infection and […]

How Cystic Fibrosis Affects Your Lungs

About 30,000 Americans have cystic fibrosis, a chronic genetic disorder that may impact your respiratory and digestive systems. It’s caused by a mutation in your CFTR gene, which triggers various organs in your body to produce thick, sticky mucus, which interferes with organs’ normal function.Your lungs are among the most critical organs affected by cystic […]

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